Monday 1 July 2013

House Dems seek path to final immigration deal

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Hispanics, blacks, Asians and women who together make up the majority of House Democrats publicly disparage Republicans' piecemeal approach to immigration and their omission of any legalization path for 11 million immigrants living here unlawfully.

But privately and pragmatically, Democrats recognize the GOP strategy may be their only route available to an historic policy change.

Speaker John Boehner, who controls the agenda in the Republican-led House, has said flatly that the House will not consider the bipartisan, Senate-passed bill. That measure promises a long path to U.S. citizenship for millions, plus billions of dollars in new spending for security along the U.S-Mexico border.

With few options, Democrats and many Republicans hope party leaders and President Barack Obama can come up with a compromise ? maybe in the fall.


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