Saturday 27 July 2013


Red pen,Red Pen

Photo by Gabriela Insuratelu

In a July 25 Vault blog post, Rebecca Onion misspelled Edgar Allan Poe?s middle name.

In a July 25 Weigel blog post, David Weigel misidentified the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals as the D.C. District Court.

In a July 25 Weigel blog post, David Weigel misspelled Philippe Reines? first name.

In a July 24 Bad Astronomy blog post, Phil Plait listed the new Lara Croft series as a DC Comic. It's for Dark Horse Comics.

In a July 24 Moneybox blog post, Matthew Yglesias misspelled Noam Scheiber's last name.

Due to an editing error, a July 24 Science by Andrew Gelman misnamed the Association for Psychological Science.

In a July 24 Vault blog post, Rebecca Onion referred to a KKK "konklave." The correct term is "klonklave."

In a July 24 Weigel blog post, David Weigel misidentified which section of the Patriot Act Chris Van Hollen criticized.

In a July 24 Weigel blog post, David Weigel misspelled Katrina Trinko?s first name.

In a July 24 XX Factor blog post, Katy Waldman misidentified former Slate writer Annie Lowrey?s first name.

In a July 23 Bad Astronomy blog post, Phil Plait listed an incorrect date for the premier of the Cosmos series.

In a July 23 Low Concept, an interactive name-generator widget by Chris Kirk suggested that the Carlos Danger Name for Anthony Weiner was Armando Catastrophe. The Carlos Danger Name for Anthony Weiner is Carlos Danger.

In a July 23 Politics, John Dickerson misidentified the senator to whom LBJ gave instruction on how to look better in public. It was Sen. Harry Byrd of Virginia, not Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia.

Due to an editing error, a July 23 Slatest blog post about menthol cigarettes suggested that Mitchell Zeller is the?commissioner?of the Food and Drug Administration. He is the director of the agency's Center for Tobacco Products.

In a July 23 Technology, Gabriel Kahn misspelled Udacity founder Sebastian Thrun's last name.

In a July 23 Weigel blog post, David Weigel misidentified Formspring as Springform.

In a July 23 Weigel blog post, David Weigel misspelled Dick Reavis? name as Rick Deavis.

In a July 22 Jurisprudence, Emily Bazelon misstated the first name of Judge Roger Gregory.

Due to a transcription error, a July 19 Culturebox misstated the title of Death in Venice as Death in the Venice.

In a July 16 Medical Examiner, Brian Palmer suggested that a lawyer described in a New York Times article on Lyme disease may not have had post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome. The person contacted us with additional details of her illness that were not included in the Times story and that suggest she was in fact infected with Borrelia burgdorferi, the spirochete that causes Lyme disease.

Slate?strives to correct all errors of fact. If you've seen an error in our pages, let us know at? General comments should be?posted?in our Comments sections at the bottom of each article.


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