Sunday 16 June 2013

Sports-entertainment?s 15 most crushing losses

WWE Champion John Cena

There are few things more treasured by a WWE Superstar than that defining moment of absolute victory, when all of that hard work and training pays off in the form of championship gold and thunderous cheers. However, glory is never guaranteed in WWE, and no Superstar ? regardless of his prior accolades or iconic status ? is immune to the harsh reality of defeat.

It is perhaps in those instances of ultimate humility that the true nature of our favorite ring warriors shines through, when their passion for competition is laid bare in front of the entire world. For some, these debilitating losses represent a new foundation from which to rise again. For other Superstars, though, these shortfalls signify failure not only to themselves, but to the WWE Universe as a whole.

But which defeats were the most devastating? Join as we count down the 15 most crushing losses ever experienced in WWE.

Watch videos of these debilitating defeats?| View heart-wrenching photos


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