Wednesday 12 June 2013

SoftBank best smartphone carrier


Over the last three months, which carrier's data transmission quality image has been best? graph of japanese statisticsMobile Marketing Data Labo recently conducted a survey looking at mobile phone carriers, focusing on the big three in Japan, docomo, au and SoftBank, who have over 95% of the market between them.


Between the 31st of May and 5th of June 2013 1,200 smartphone-using members of the MMD Labo monitor panel completed a private internet-based questionnaire. The sample contained 400 people who used each of the main three carriers, docomo, au and SoftBank, but further demographics were not presented.

I agree that SoftBank?s image really has improved recently; MMD Labo have previously shown that SoftBank is the fastest 4G carrier, so this survey shows that the message is getting through to the general public, and, of course, having Shinji Kagawa helping out doesn?t hurt ? note that the ring-blowing beluga whale is Shinji?s father:

Research results

Q1: What was important when you chose your mobile phone provider? (Sample size=1,200, multiple answer)

Cheap monthly fees 45.8%
Reliable data transfer 37.3%
Wide voice call service area 33.7%
Wide data service area 29.0%
Fast data transmission speed 27.5%
Good voice call quality 26.9%
Good discounts 26.5%
Good brand image 25.9%
Cheap handset price 25.1%
Good after-care service 16.3%
Broad range of handsets 11.4%
Sufficient exclusive services 7.6%
Other 9.5%

Q2: What are you dissatified with regarding data transmission? (Sample size=1,200, multiple answer)

? All docomo
Slow data transmission speed 38.9% 44.3% 41.0% 31.5%
Data transmission stalls 29.0% 31.8% 34.3% 21.0%
Transmission errors and other trouble 23.0% 23.8% 29.0% 16.3%
Narrow data service area 19.8% 16.3% 20.5% 22.5%
Mail, chat-related transmission 16.3% 17.5% 18.0% 13.5%
Don?t have any particular dissatisfactions 32.1% 29.8% 25.5% 41.0%

Q3: Over the last three months, which carrier?s image has been best in the following categories? (Sample size=1,200, multiple answer)

? docomo au SoftBank None of them
Voice call quality has improved 9.2% 11.5% 37.8% 41.6%
Data transmission quality has improved 9.3% 11.8% 39.1% 39.8%
Data transmission has got faster 11.5% 14.0% 33.2% 41.3%
Voice call service area has expanded 11.5% 12.9% 37.9% 37.7%
Data service area has expanded 12.5% 12.4% 38.4% 36.7%
Discounts have improved 12.2% 16.3% 22.0% 49.5%
Handset range has broadened 19.3% 17.2% 18.0% 45.6%
Exclusive services have increased, improved 14.7% 20.2% 21.6% 43.6%
After-care service has improved 14.0% 15.0% 16.2% 54.8%
Overall strength has improved 12.8% 15.6% 26.4% 45.2%
Feel secure using 24.1% 16.3% 15.9% 43.7%
Trustworthiness 26.5% 15.1% 16.0% 42.4%
Read more on: au,docomo,mmd laboratory,smartphone,softbank



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