Tuesday 28 May 2013

Zombie bodyguard needed

Hi Roleplayers,

I need to replace my partner in a 1x1 Walking Dead universe game. I play Delaney Byron, a bratty child star turned rock star who's never out of the gossip columns. Delaney is playing a music festival in San Diego when the outbreak occurs, and is rescued by her bodyguard, ex-boxer Barnabas Barrington, also known as BB. We've just busted out of the festival arena, and are preparing to hit the road, back to the safety (?) of LA.

My co-writer has been AWOL from the site for five weeks now, so I've come to the conclusion that it's time to move on. Ideally I'd like someone to take over BB but I guess I could kill him off if you've a good idea for another character - there's another bodyguard in the mix if you care to read the roleplay.

I could even open it up from a 1x1 if more than one person submits a great character. So please, have a read. You'll see my partner and I wrote quite collaboratively, trusting each other with minor god-mods to keep the story moving. But if you're not into that, no problem either, we can work something out. So long as you write fairly regularly, I'm happy.

Come and play!


Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/9pmbcLjzxKc/viewtopic.php

brad paisley zac brown band aubrey born to run pranks pregnancy test april fools day 2012

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