Thursday 30 May 2013

Eichler Supports a Professional Military Instead of Today's IDF

EichlerMK (Yahadut Hatorah) Yisrael Eichler feels the solution is not to draft chareidim but to change over from today?s people?s army to a professional military. Eichler is confident this is the way to eliminate the chasm between various sectors of society that exists in Israel today.

?There are two wars ongoing in Israel today. One against the Arab threat and the second is cultural, against Toras Yisrael and a Jewish lifestyle. One genuinely interested in security may only accept suitable candidates into the IDF. This is the decision of the security experts and not the secular cultural commissars.?

?The conscription law demands drafting everyone including those who are not fit to become combatants. Conscription of all results in an added burden on the fighting forces, food and the defense budget, billions wasted for soldiers who do not contribute to national security. The elimination of the compulsory draft will destroy the demagogic base for the anti-chareidi elements who wish to use the IDF in their war against Jewish culture. A cultural war in the army would deliver a fatal blow to the military?s ability to win over the Arab world. Syria and Libya are examples of this,? Eichler stated.

Eichler stressed by eliminating the compulsory draft and hiring a professional army, releasing those who cannot do the job, ?billions will be saved?.

?A people?s army is a term used to create a melting pot of secular culture. We must gradually become a professional army with a mission of security and nothing else, as is the case with the paid career IDF and the senior brass. Releasing the extraneous soldiers will free a great deal of funding to provide a fair wage for soldiers.?

(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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