Friday 31 May 2013

Wisconsin's voter ID law constitutional, appeals court rules

By Brendan O'Brien

MILWAUKEE (Reuters) - A Wisconsin appeals court on Thursday ruled the state's controversial voter ID law is constitutional, a victory for supporters who say the measure limits fraud at the ballot box.

The Fourth District Court of Appeals overturned a March 2012 decision by Dane County judge Richard Niess, who ruled in favor of the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, which claimed that the law is too burdensome, denying potential voters the right to vote.

The organization "makes no effective argument that, on its face, the requirement makes voting so difficult and inconvenient as to amount to a denial of the right to vote," the appeals court wrote in its decision.

The Wisconsin measure, passed in 2011 by a Republican-controlled legislature, requires voters to present photo identification such as a driver's license at polling places for federal, state and local elections.

The law, which still faces legal challenges, would put Wisconsin among nearly three dozen U.S. states with voter ID measures, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. A hot-button political issue, Republicans say voter ID laws prevent election fraud while Democrats say they hinder low-income and minority voters.

The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin is considering its options with regard to further legal review, Andrea Kaminski, the organization's executive director, said in a statement.

"We're going to take some time and review the substance of the decision and decide whether or not to petition the Wisconsin Supreme Court," said Lester Pines, the attorney for the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin.

The law is currently not in effect as another state appeals court has yet to decide on different challenge. Two federal lawsuits also are pending on the state's voter ID law.

"While today's decision is an important step toward full vindication of the law, we recognize that other challenges are still pending that address different issues," said Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen, a Republican, in a statement.

Voters were required to show ID during a February primary before the court injunctions went into effect. The law was not enforced when Republican Governor Scott Walker survived a recall election last June and during the general election in November.

In April, Republican lawmakers in Arkansas voted to override a veto by the state's Democratic governor and approve a similar bill that requires voters to show photo identification at the polls.

(Reporting by Brendan O'Brien; Editing by Paul Thomasch and Richard Chang)


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Samsung Galaxy S4 sales seen reaching 80 million units

Samsung Galaxy S4 Sales 2013

Samsung?s flagship Galaxy S4 smartphone quickly became the fastest-selling Android phone in history when Samsung announced that channel sales had reached 10 million units in under one month. That breakneck pace will surely slow down over time, but industry watchers see Samsung?s latest hero phone racking up some pretty huge numbers ? according to RBC Capital Markets analyst?Mark Sue, Galaxy S4 sales will hit 80 million units this year.

[More from BGR: Not afraid to fail: Google Glass spat highlights clashing cultures at Apple and Google]

?Galaxy S-4 demand in the first month of availability has been incrementally better than our estimate of 10M units,? Sue wrote in a note to clients on Thursday. ?In comparison, the S-III took nearly 2 months (50 days) to achieve the 10M units mark. Our broad-based channel checks at U.S. stores indicate that demand for the 16G S-4 devices remains strong with 32G Black devices mostly sold-out and 32G White devices yet to make it to the stores.?

[More from BGR: Can the Moto X compete with Apple?s iPhone 5S and Samsung?s Galaxy Note III?]

He continued, ?At this pace, the GS-4 is likely to cross 20M shipments in 2Q13, potentially reaching 80M S-4 unit shipments in CY13. We expect the new version of Samsung?s Note (III) to hit retail shelves in September. We expect Apple to have an updated multi-device smartphone portolio [sic] with the iPhone 5S, iPhone 5 and iPhone mini this year.?

Sue also agrees with other firms and believes most smartphone growth in 2013 will be driven by mid- and low-end smartphones. He sees global smartphone shipments growing 26% to 870 million units in 2013, and then growing a further 20% in 2014 to just over 1 billion units.

This article was originally published on


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Is Real Estate Ever a Wise Investment for Retirees? :: The Market ...

Gold and Silver Warning! FREE REPORT

Housing-Market / US Housing May 30, 2013 - 10:34 AM GMT

By: Don_Miller


At one point in my life you might have heard me say something like, ?I?ve probably made more money in real estate by accident than I have in the market on purpose.? For many years, you could buy good-quality property, as much as you could afford, and you were almost guaranteed to make money. That ended in 2008. Now folks are looking for bargains, hoping to profit from the crash.

So what has changed? I don?t have to tell you that the commercial and residential real-estate markets took a huge hit in 2008 and have yet to fully recover. Many folks saw the value of their homes drop by 40% or more, and their net worth drop right along with it. In the meantime, bank short sales have skyrocketed.

Opportunities to buy may be returning, but something else has also changed. Folks on either side of the retirement cusp are in a different place in life than when they bought their McMansions. Children have fled the coop, so their needs have changed. Also, retirees and folks approaching retirement cannot afford a do-over. We no longer have time to recover from investment losses... certainly not if we plan on staying retired.

When we conducted a survey of readers last fall to see what was on their minds, investment wise I mean, real estate investing was in the top 3. The other two were annuities and income investing. We?ve covered both several times, most recently here and here.

With real estate investing a hot topic, I?d like to review the Money Forever Five-Point Balancing Test and see how it applies to real estate. It?s the test we apply to all of our investments, not just stocks.

  1. Is it a solid company or investment vehicle?
  2. Does it provide good income?
  3. Is there good opportunity for appreciation?
  4. Does it protect against inflation?
  5. Is it easily reversible?

Some real estate may indeed meet all five criteria, but folks of retirement age must be much more selective.

My wife Jo and I moved to Fort Myers, Florida in 1985 ? about the time that the new airport opened, which allowed bigger jets access to the southwest corridor of Florida. I-75 was also extended south from Sarasota down through Naples and over to Miami. Real estate in the southwest part of Florida exploded.

I had a good friend who put together several partnerships to invest in property. Twenty of us would put up 5% each, buy land, get the necessary permits, and then sell the property to a developer. We did well on several parcels.

One parcel we bought, which I thought would provide the greatest return of all, we still own over 20 years later. We?re still paying property taxes and associated costs after all these years.

The situation is almost funny. We have to pay a farmer to ?rent? some cattle in order to maintain our agricultural exemption on the property. While it seemed like a good investment when I was 52, I would pass on it today at age 73. Why? Those types of partnerships do not provide income, nor are they liquid. That means they fail no. 2 and no. 5 on our Five-Point Balancing Test.

We have friends who for years bought homes and apartments, fixed them up, and then rented them out. Some resold them and some converted apartments into condominiums, often doing very well for themselves.

Today these same friends want passive investments. They are quick to remind me that being a landlord means running your own small business. Their investments demanded a big time commitment; they were anything but passive.

Ask any active landlord and he will tell you of the amazing time commitment required ? of the 3 a.m. phone calls from the fire department, the plumbing leaks and electrical mishaps, and the renters who never seem to pay on time. Retirees want to make money with their capital. They are not looking for a full-time job.

That?s why most folks on either side of the cusp of retirement are likely better off with investments that meet our Five-Point Balancing Test. That does not mean that rental property or buying property for appreciation is out of the question. But we?re looking for real-estate investments that are professionally managed and liquid. We?ve recently added a real-estate investment in our portfolio that meets all five points in our balancing test. Use this link to start a 90-day risk-free trial to Money Forever and get the full report on our real-estate investment.

Making money in real estate is no easier than it is in the stock market. It requires a lot of work, patience, and in some cases a lot of luck. Retirement is not the time for a ?get rich quick? scheme.

We need investments that meet our five criteria. One area of real estate that sadly many retirees have been convinced is the next best thing to a ?get rich quick? scheme is reverse mortgages. While not real estate investments as most people view them, they are often portrayed as a way to make easy money during retirement. In response to so many questions from readers about reverse mortgages we?ve put together a new publication called ?The Reverse Mortgage Guide? to help you better understand what a reverse mortgage can and cannot do for you and whether you might be a good candidate for one. Click here to find out how to get this report for free.

? 2013 Copyright Casey Research - All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: The above is a matter of opinion provided for general information purposes only and is not intended as investment advice. Information and analysis above are derived from sources and utilising methods believed to be reliable, but we cannot accept responsibility for any losses you may incur as a result of this analysis. Individuals should consult with their personal financial advisors.

? 2005-2013 - The Market Oracle is a FREE Daily Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting online publication.


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Thursday 30 May 2013

Disneyland worker arrested in park's dry-ice blast

ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) ? Police arrested a Disneyland employee on suspicion of putting a so-called dry ice bomb in a theme park trash can where it exploded, authorities said Wednesday.

No one was injured in the small blast, but Disneyland briefly evacuated the Mickey's Toontown section where the incident occurred Tuesday. The trash can did not blow up.

Christian Barnes, 22, of Long Beach was arrested for investigation of possessing a destructive device, just hours after the blast, Anaheim police Sgt. Bob Dunn said in a statement.

It wasn't immediately clear how police connected Barnes to the blast and Dunn did not return repeated calls. Police said earlier they would scrutinize social media and surveillance footage.

Disneyland spokeswoman Suzi Brown released a statement Wednesday saying the resort was working closely with authorities.

Barnes will be suspended or fired, she said.

Barnes, who worked as an outdoor vendor for the resort, was held on $1 million bail, Dunn said.

Dunn said Barnes was cooperating with investigators, telling them the blast was an isolated incident with results he did not expect, Dunn said. Dunn did not elaborate.

Barnes' father Raymond Barnes said he did not know exactly what happened, but thought his son was "just silly, not thinking" and messing around with dry ice without realizing the severity of what might happen.

"Whatever it was, there was nothing sinister about it," Barnes told KCBS-TV. "He's a good kid. Never been in any trouble."

Barnes' case had not yet been presented to prosecutors, said Farrah Emami, a spokeswoman for the Orange County district attorney's office. The bail amount could change when prosecutors get the case and charges are decided, she said.

Detectives found fragments of a water bottle in the trash can and believe Barnes placed dry ice inside it to create the explosion, the police spokesman said.

A telephone listing for a Christian Barnes in Long Beach rang unanswered Wednesday.

So-called dry ice bombs are easy to make, and on a much smaller scale, are sometimes used as classroom chemistry demonstrations, said John Goodpaster, an explosives expert at the Purdue School of Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis.

The size of the explosion, however, can vary greatly depending on the container's size, material and the amount of dry ice used, he said.

The devices could cause injuries to those nearby if the built-up pressure was high enough, including cuts from flying bottle shards, he said.

"This is a simple device. It's not a pipe bomb filled with gunpowder, but it definitely will generate an explosion," Goodpaster said.

"If somebody was throwing something out, they could have been injured."


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Eichler Supports a Professional Military Instead of Today's IDF

EichlerMK (Yahadut Hatorah) Yisrael Eichler feels the solution is not to draft chareidim but to change over from today?s people?s army to a professional military. Eichler is confident this is the way to eliminate the chasm between various sectors of society that exists in Israel today.

?There are two wars ongoing in Israel today. One against the Arab threat and the second is cultural, against Toras Yisrael and a Jewish lifestyle. One genuinely interested in security may only accept suitable candidates into the IDF. This is the decision of the security experts and not the secular cultural commissars.?

?The conscription law demands drafting everyone including those who are not fit to become combatants. Conscription of all results in an added burden on the fighting forces, food and the defense budget, billions wasted for soldiers who do not contribute to national security. The elimination of the compulsory draft will destroy the demagogic base for the anti-chareidi elements who wish to use the IDF in their war against Jewish culture. A cultural war in the army would deliver a fatal blow to the military?s ability to win over the Arab world. Syria and Libya are examples of this,? Eichler stated.

Eichler stressed by eliminating the compulsory draft and hiring a professional army, releasing those who cannot do the job, ?billions will be saved?.

?A people?s army is a term used to create a melting pot of secular culture. We must gradually become a professional army with a mission of security and nothing else, as is the case with the paid career IDF and the senior brass. Releasing the extraneous soldiers will free a great deal of funding to provide a fair wage for soldiers.?

(YWN ? Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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Wednesday 29 May 2013

Florida man dies in Napanee crash

Posted 4 hours ago

Tue, May 28th, '13 - 4:56 pm

A man from Florida is dead after a crash in Napanee yesterday afternoon.

It happened on Highway 33, west of County Road 21 at about 4:00 p.m.

Napanee OPP say a red Lexus with Florida plates crossed the centre line for an unknown reason, went into the ditch and eventually hit a tree.

The driver, 74 year old Michael Murphy of Esero, Florida was pronounced dead at the scene.

A female passenger was treated at the hospital in Napanee and released.

An investigation into the cause of the crash is ongoing.


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Will These Numbers from Yingli Green Energy Holding Be Good Enough for You?

Yingli Green Energy Holding is expected to report Q1 earnings around May 30. Here's what Wall Street wants to see:

The 10-second takeaway
Comparing the upcoming quarter to the prior-year quarter, average analyst estimates predict Yingli Green Energy Holding's revenues will shrink -22.6% and EPS will remain in the red.

The average estimate for revenue is $387.0 million. On the bottom line, the average EPS estimate is -$0.41.

Revenue details
Last quarter, Yingli Green Energy Holding logged revenue of $466.0 million. GAAP reported sales were 14% higher than the prior-year quarter's $407.3 million.

Source: S&P Capital IQ. Quarterly periods. Dollar amounts in millions. Non-GAAP figures may vary to maintain comparability with estimates.

EPS details
Last quarter, non-GAAP EPS came in at -$0.93. GAAP EPS were -$1.28 for Q4 against -$3.87 per share for the prior-year quarter.

Source: S&P Capital IQ. Quarterly periods. Non-GAAP figures may vary to maintain comparability with estimates.

Recent performance
For the preceding quarter, gross margin was -8.5%, much worse than the prior-year quarter. Operating margin was -32.0%, much better than the prior-year quarter. Net margin was -43.0%, much better than the prior-year quarter.

Looking ahead

The full year's average estimate for revenue is $1.90 billion. The average EPS estimate is -$1.72.

Investor sentiment
The stock has a two-star rating (out of five) at Motley Fool CAPS, with 1,533 members out of 1,631 rating the stock outperform, and 98 members rating it underperform. Among 223 CAPS All-Star picks (recommendations by the highest-ranked CAPS members), 199 give Yingli Green Energy Holding a green thumbs-up, and 24 give it a red thumbs-down.

Of Wall Street recommendations tracked by S&P Capital IQ, the average opinion on Yingli Green Energy Holding is hold, with an average price target of $2.10.

Is Yingli Green Energy Holding the best semiconductor stock for you? You may be missing something obvious. Check out the semiconductor company that Motley Fool analysts expect to lead "The Next Trillion-dollar Revolution." Click here for instant access to this free report.

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Tuesday 28 May 2013

Chelsea Clinton eyes global projects, gay rights

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) ? Chelsea Clinton said Tuesday she plans to become increasingly involved in the international health projects of her father's foundation and to speak out for gay rights.

The only child of former U.S. President Bill Clinton told The Associated Press during a visit to Malaysia that her focus will be on the Clinton Foundation's work, especially "related to health, not just in the United States but also around the world."

Clinton said on the sidelines of a women's conference in Malaysia's main city that she hopes to return to Southeast Asia, specifically Myanmar, where the foundation will work with authorities to distribute medicine and health products, including HIV drugs and child vaccines, at cheaper prices.

Clinton visited Myanmar earlier this week at the start of initiative to provide water purification packets to areas with unsafe water supplies. Her mother, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, made a groundbreaking visit to Myanmar in 2011 and helped nudge an elected government toward democratic reforms.

"I hope to go back soon" to Myanmar, Clinton said. "My father and my husband are quite jealous now because my mother and I both have been to the country, and they have not."

From Malaysia, Clinton travels to Cambodia to launch an effort to slash HIV-related infections and deaths.

"My goal is always to do as much as I can in whatever area I'm working in," she said.

She added that besides the Clinton Foundation's initiatives, she was committed to supporting gay rights, including marriage equality.

"It just seems so fundamental to me. I'm able to marry the person I wanted to marry," Clinton said. "That's the fundamental human imperative. Those of us who have been lucky enough should expand these rights to others."

Clinton often tweets messages supportive of gay rights. Earlier this month, she called it "progress" when France's new gay marriage law came into force and urged her followers to help build "an equitable world for all" while marking International Day Against Homophobia.

Clinton laughed off a question about whether all the work would leave her time to start a family with her husband.

"My mother asks me that all the time, and anything my mother asks me is fair game," she said.


Associated Press writer Sean Yoong contributed to this report.


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Zombie bodyguard needed

Hi Roleplayers,

I need to replace my partner in a 1x1 Walking Dead universe game. I play Delaney Byron, a bratty child star turned rock star who's never out of the gossip columns. Delaney is playing a music festival in San Diego when the outbreak occurs, and is rescued by her bodyguard, ex-boxer Barnabas Barrington, also known as BB. We've just busted out of the festival arena, and are preparing to hit the road, back to the safety (?) of LA.

My co-writer has been AWOL from the site for five weeks now, so I've come to the conclusion that it's time to move on. Ideally I'd like someone to take over BB but I guess I could kill him off if you've a good idea for another character - there's another bodyguard in the mix if you care to read the roleplay.

I could even open it up from a 1x1 if more than one person submits a great character. So please, have a read. You'll see my partner and I wrote quite collaboratively, trusting each other with minor god-mods to keep the story moving. But if you're not into that, no problem either, we can work something out. So long as you write fairly regularly, I'm happy.

Come and play!



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Afghan police rescued aid workers trapped in siege

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) ? Ten terrified international aid workers huddled inside a fortified room in Kabul for two hours during a Taliban attack until they were rescued by Afghan police, the aid group said Sunday. A NATO commander said the dramatic operation bodes well for the country's future without foreign forces.

An Afghan police officer and two civilians were killed. The top commander of the international military coalition said the relatively low number of casualties was a sign of how Afghan forces have "markedly improved" as they increasingly take over responsibility for protecting the country ahead of most foreign troops' withdrawal next year.

That militants were able to launch two attacks in the capital in a little over a week ? another car bomb killed six Americans and nine Afghan bystanders eight days before ? prove how fierce a fight Afghan forces face. Still, Maj. Gen Joseph Osterman, director of operations for the coalition, said he has seen "marked improvement" over previous years.

"This particular one was very impressive," he said.

Richard Danziger, chief of mission for the International Organization for Migration, thanked police for the rescue during Friday's Taliban assault with a car bomb and attackers wearing suicide bomb vests and wielding shoulder-fired grenade launchers. He also praised the group's armed Nepalese guards, five of whom were wounded.

"Both the police and our ... guards, they held their ground and fought for two hours until they found a time when they could grab our staff and take them out," Danziger said at a news conference with his deputy, Enira Krdzalic, who survived the siege.

All four of the attackers were killed. A six-year-old Afghan girl initially reported dead turned out to be among the 17 people wounded, Sediqqi said.

Four IOM staff were wounded, including one Italian woman who was badly burned by a grenade. Danziger said earlier police reports that one of the Nepalese guards died was not true.

Danziger, who was out of Afghanistan during Friday's siege, said he was "mystified" as to why IOM was targeted. Insurgent assaults on aid groups are relatively rare, though attacks have hit U.N. guest houses in the past. The IOM is a U.N.-affiliated agency assisting returning Afghan migrants as well as those displaced by fighting. Danziger said the staff would resume work Monday in temporary quarters.

The Taliban claimed it attacked CIA trainers for the Afghan security forces, but Danziger stressed that the group has no affiliation with the American spy agency.

When the car bomb slammed into the IOM's southeastern gate just after 4 p.m. on Friday, about 12 international staff and another dozen Afghans were inside along with the Nepalese guards, Danziger said.

The Afghan staff escaped through the main gate and took three international workers with them. Nine other staff, including Krdzalic, fled to a fortified "strong room" along with one foreigner working for the International Labor Organization.

"You can imagine it was a very confusing situation inside the strong room. Not to mention we had this one (badly burned) colleague of ours who they were desperately trying to keep out of going into shock," Danziger said.

He said it took Afghan police two hours to get to the strong room and get the staff out. "And then, of course, when there were knocks on the door, (those inside) had to be reassured that these were friendly knocks and not the terrorists."

Krdzalic, who is from Bosnia and Herzegovina, was still visibly shaken.

"I hope you all understand that it is still too early for me to go back over that time," she said.

She also thanked the Afghan police, saying without them, she might not be alive.

Kabul's police chief, Gen. Mohammad Ayoub Salangi, says he considers the operation a success.

"The enemy's goal was to take the lives of the IOM workers," Salangi said. "Fortunately they couldn't do it. Our forces went out there and stopped them."

Training Afghan military and police to take over security is essential to the withdrawal of more than 60,000 foreign forces remaining in Afghanistan nearly 12 years after toppling the Taliban's hard-line regime for sheltering al-Qaida's terrorist leadership. The start of the insurgents' spring fighting season last month is a crucial test for those forces, as U.S. military trainers pull back.

The coalition said its troops were not involved in the fighting Friday, though they provided medical support.


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Monday 27 May 2013

Bayern beats Dortmund 2-1 in final on Robben goal

LONDON (AP) ? Arjen Robben found redemption at Wembley Stadium.

Robben scored a go-ahead goal in the 89th minute to give Bayern Munich a 2-1 victory over German rival Borussia Dortmund on Saturday night in the Champions League final, ending four years of frustration for his team in club soccer's biggest tournament.

"I don't know how many times I dreamed about it," Robben said. "Everybody I spoke to before the game, I said, 'Today is going to be the night and we're going to do it.' To do it in the end is an unbelievable feeling."

Bayern had lost two of the last three Champions League finals.

A year earlier, Robben failed to convert a penalty kick in overtime as Bayern lost the final in its own stadium against Chelsea in a shootout. This time, when he carried the European Cup toward the thousands of celebrating fans in red and white and raised it over his head, he received undivided adulation.

"There are so many emotions, especially after where we came from," Robben said. "Last year was such a disappointment."

In a game that featured a slew of chances for both teams, Mario Mandzukic put Bayern ahead in the 60th minute, and Ilkay Gundogan tied it with a penalty kick 8 minutes later after defender Dante fouled Marco Reus.

Robben had missed two great chances in the first half, reviving memories of last year and of the 2010 World Cup final, when the winger missed the Netherlands' best chance during the loss to Spain.

Even Bayern great Franz Beckenbauer, the club's honorary president, said during halftime on television that "evidently in the big games he just can't score."

But this time, he could.

Robben ran onto Franck Ribery's backheeled flick-on in the area and calmly slotted the ball past goalkeeper Roman Weidenfeller to give Bayern its first Champions League victory since 2001 and fifth overall. Bayern lost to Inter Milan in the 2010 final.

"That's three finals, and of course you don't want the stamp of a loser. You don't want that tag," Robben said. "It was a sense of 'finally.' It was unbelievable. I can't describe what's going through my mind."

Robben also set up the first goal for Bayern, taking a pass from Ribery and drawing Weidenfeller out before squaring for Mandzukic, who could hardly miss from a few yards.

But the lead didn't last long. Dante raised a foot into Reus's midsection, and Italian referee Nicola Rizzoli pointed to the penalty spot. Gundogan sent goalkeeper Manuel Neuer the wrong way before calmly slotting into the right side of the net.

Dortmund defender Neven Subotic became the first American to play in a Champions League final and made an outstanding sliding clearance on Thomas Mueller's wide shot to prevent a goal in the 72nd. The 24-year-old grew up in Salt Lake City and Bradenton, Fla., and played for the U.S. under-17 and under-20 teams before switching to the senior national team of Serbia, where he was born.

"It's hard to deal with the disappointment right now, especially if you concede the goal in the 89th minute," Dortmund defender Mats Hummels said. "In the end we had become a little tired, and Bayern took advantage."

Bayern, which won the Bundesliga by a record 25 points, improved to 3-0-2 against Dortmund this season. Bayern can complete a treble when it plays Stuttgart in the German Cup final next weekend.

Bayern coach Jupp Heynckes won his second Champions League trophy following a 1998 victory with Real Madrid. Bayern announced in January that he will be replaced after the season by former Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola.

"It is quite possible," Heynckes said through a translator, "that a new era might have begun under the aegis of Bayern Munich."

Guardiola's first chance at a trophy with Bayern will be the UEFA Super Cup in August against Europa League winner Chelsea ? likely to be managed then by outgoing Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho.

"It's incredible what the team had achieved in the last few years. And today we were finally rewarded. We had to overcome a lot of setbacks," Bayern captain Philipp Lahm said. "There was so much pressure, it was enormous. After you lose two finals, if you lose again you don't know if you'll get another chance. The pressure was so great, I've never felt so much pressure before. The international titles were missing. We never won a big international title for this generation."

For Dortmund, it's another bitter runner-up finish to its main rival, having seen Bayern end its two-year hold on the Bundesliga title.

"We are very proud to have given them a good contest," Weidenfeller said. "But we didn't manage to win. We gave our best. We'll be back next season."


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Fire on cruise ship; no injuries reported | WGN-TV

A Royal Caribbean International ship was sailing to a Bahamas port after a Monday morning fire in which no one was injured, the company said.

The fire began in a mooring area on the Grandeur of the Seas cruise ship around 2:50 a.m. It was extinguished just before 5 a.m., the company said on one of its Twitter accounts.

The ship, with 2,224 guests and 796 crew members, initially was headed to CocoCay, Bahamas, but it will now go to Freeport for evaluation, Royal Caribbean said in a news release.

The cruise ship was in calm seas and has full power, the company said. Shortly before 6 a.m., the ship was 38 nautical miles from Freeport, the company said.

?In an abundance of caution, the captain deemed it necessary to muster all guests at their assembly stations,? the company?s news release said. ?All ? guests and ? crew have been accounted for, and there have been no injuries of guests or crew reported.?

Information from Royal Caribbean?s website states that the Grandeur of the Seas Bahamas trip includes seven nights, leaving from the Port of Baltimore in Maryland, and calling at Port Canaveral, Florida; Nassau, Bahamas; and CocoCay, Royal Caribbean?s ?private island paradise? in the Bahamas.

A number of cruise ship incidents have made headlines in the past year and a half.

In January 2012, 32 people died when the Costa Concordia capsized off Italy?s coast.

In February this year, an engine room fire left the Carnival Triumph adrift in the Gulf of Mexico, with passengers reporting overflowing toilets and human waste running down the walls in some parts of the ship.

On a March cruise, the Carnival Dream lost power and some toilets stopped working. And earlier this month, authorities say, a man and a woman on the Carnival Spirit fell overboard off Australia?s coast; they are presumed dead.

CNN?s Jason Hanna contributed to this report.

? & ? 2012 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.


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Economic reality finally cracks market fervor

By Andy Bruce

LONDON (Reuters) - As evidence mounts that a mid-year slowdown is taking place in the world economy, the next few days will offer a clearer glimpse of how that will impinge on policymaking and buoyant financial markets.

Global stocks stumbled last Thursday in one of the few times the grey economic reality cut through this year's reverie in financial markets.

And that could mark the start of a trend, after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke last week hinted the U.S. central bank could soon scale back its monthly bond purchases that have flooded stock markets with new cash.

Some poor business surveys from China have also had an impact, suggesting the world's No.2 economy is struggling for momentum.

While there is little in the way of major economic data this week that will send chills through stock markets as happened on Thursday, there is a renewed sense of caution in the market.

"The underlying momentum in the global economy is weaker than it should be at this point of the economic cycle, five years after the global crisis," said Lena Komileva, director of G+ Economics consultancy in London.

"We have yet to see evidence of a convincing, self-sustained positive feedback loop between real growth and market value inflation."

Hope that market confidence would filter through to the real economy was memorably described as "positive contagion" by European Central Bank President Mario Draghi in January - in hindsight perhaps more in hope than expectation.

Growth is still proving to be elusive for the euro zone economy, largely thanks to the extent of the budget austerity taking place across the continent.

On Wednesday, the European Commission will release its review of its countries' debt-cutting policies, which will confirm that the likes of France, Spain and Slovenia are to be given more time to trim their budget deficits to target.

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's semi-annual review of the world's major economies will come out on the same day, having identified global economic activity "picking up" in its interim assessment in March.

Now, the world economic growth seems to be moving into a soft patch, although there is no sign of anything that will curb it significantly.

Last week's purchasing managers indexes showed factory activity in China declined slightly for the first time in seven months, while in the United States manufacturing grew at its slowest pace since October.

"These surveys suggest that the Chinese economy is doing a bit worse than expected and the euro zone marginally better, but they do not alter our view that global growth will remain weak, and imbalanced, for the rest of this year," said Andrew Kenningham, senior global economist at Capital Economics.

He noted, however, that economies like the UK and Japan that weren't covered in last week's PMIs have performed better than expected in recent months, so the global economy could be slightly stronger than the surveys implied.


Since last Thursday's stock markets wobble, analysts are largely agreed that period of moderation, rather than a big correction, lies ahead for risk assets.

European markets have been particularly sensitive to shifts in sentiment over the last few years, and three Italian government bond auctions next week will provide more clues on investor intentions.

Spanish yields rose at auction for the first time in three months in the past week, and the Italian auctions will provide further interest because they will be the first since Fed Chairman Bernanke hinted that waves of new cash from central banks will not go on forever.

Governments in the euro zone's most vulnerable economies, like Spain and Italy, have benefitted hugely from reduced borrowing costs resulting from easy cash flowing out from the Fed and Bank of Japan, and into their bonds.

That of course applies to stock markets too, and Bernanke's intervention will set a new tone on global bourses in the coming weeks, marked by increased uncertainty.

The Euro STOXX 50 Volatility Index, Europe's widely used measure of investor risk aversion, surged 13 percent to a three-week high last Thursday alone.

"We remain positive on equities in general ... (but) more broadly, equity markets may lose some momentum now that they must worry about stimulus withdrawal," said Guy Foster, head of portfolio strategy at Brewin Dolphin.

(Additional reporting by David Brett; editing by Ron Askew)


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Sunday 26 May 2013

Ukraine's first gay march held under police protection

KIEV (Reuters) - About 100 Ukrainian gay rights activists held the country's first gay rally on Saturday, helped by police who arrested 13 people for trying to break up the march.

The activists walked for about 250 meters (yards) along Victory Avenue in the capital Kiev while Orthodox Christian activists nearby chanted slogans denouncing them.

"Ukraine is not America. Kiev is not Sodom,' shouted one anti-gay demonstrator over a loudspeaker.

A church activist broke through the police cordon briefly and slapped down banners calling for an end to discrimination against homosexuals before he was seized by police.

There is little public acceptance of homosexuality in predominantly Orthodox Ukraine, as in other former Soviet republics. On May 17, large crowds of protesters broke up gay rights rallies in Georgia and Russia.

The march in Kiev lasted only 40 minutes but was a small victory for the former Soviet republic's gay community.

A year ago, gay activists canceled plans for a rally in Kiev, saying they had received threats of violence. One would-be organizer was beaten up by a group of men the same day.

Organizers hailed the march on Saturday as a breakthrough.

"This event will go down in the history of Ukraine as one of the key developments in the fight for equal human rights," said Olena Semenova, one of the organizers, expressing gratitude to the police and the authorities for their action.

The rally almost came to nothing when city authorities raised security concerns and a court issued an order to ban it.

But on Saturday police offered protection to the small march, held away from the city center.

Church activist Ioksana Keresten, who protested against the rally, said: "We are trying to protect family values. We want to protect our children from homosexual propaganda. This parade popularizes homosexuality. It can influence our children for their whole life."

At the end of the rally, the gay activists stepped into the grounds of a local film studio and climbed onto buses that drove them away, avoiding the risk of further confrontation.

Ukraine's parliament last year shelved the second reading of a bill that would have criminalized the "promotion of homosexuality". But it has also delayed passing legislation to outlaw discrimination against homosexuals in the workplace.

(Additional reporting by Mykhailo Yelchev of Reuters television and Gleb Garanich of Reuters pictures; writing By Richard Balmforth; editing by Tom Pfeiffer)


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UK-bound Pakistan plane diverted, two men arrested

LONDON (AP) ? Britain scrambled fighter jets Friday to intercept a commercial airliner carrying more than 300 people from Pakistan, diverting it to an isolated runway at an airport on the outskirts of London and arresting two British passengers on suspicion of endangering the aircraft.

A British security official said the situation involving the Pakistan International Airlines flight did not appear terror-related, though police were still investigating, but the incident further rattled the U.K. just days after a soldier was killed on a London street in a suspected terror attack.

The security official requested anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the investigation.

Flight P709 was traveling from Lahore, Pakistan, to Manchester Airport when it was diverted by the fighter jets to Stansted Airport. The U.K. Ministry of Defense confirmed that Typhoon jets were launched to investigate an incident involving a civilian aircraft but gave no further details.

Passenger Nauman Rizvi told Pakistan's GEO TV that two men who had tried to move toward the cockpit during the flight were handcuffed and arrested once the plane landed. Rizvi said that after the men were taken away, the flight crew told passengers there had been a terrorist threat and that the pilot had raised an alarm.

Essex Police said they were notified at 1:20 p.m. local time (12:20 GMT, 8:20 a.m. EDT) that a threat had been made to an aircraft. The force said that after the Boeing 777 landed at 2:15 p.m., armed officers entered it and arrested two British nationals, aged 30 and 41.

The suspects were taken to a police station where they face questioning, the police said in a statement. The plane will be examined by forensic specialists but no suspicious items have been recovered so far, police added.

"This incident is being treated as a criminal offense," the police statement said, another indication it was not being seen as a terror case.

By late afternoon Friday, passengers had disembarked from the plane and were being interviewed, according to Mark Davison, a spokesman for Stansted Airport.

PIA spokesman Mashood Tajwar said the airline had been unable to contact the pilot of the flight despite repeated attempts. He said 297 passengers and 11 crew members were on the plane.

The incident comes as many police forces across Britain have stepped up patrols in recent days following the suspected terror attack in south London.

Two men with a meat cleaver and knives attacked and killed a British soldier in broad daylight, and gruesome footage that emerged after the attack showed one of the alleged assailants angrily complaining about the British government and troops in foreign lands.

Those two suspects were shot when police arrived on the scene and have been hospitalized.


Associated Press writers Paisley Dodds in London and Zarar Khan in Islamabad contributed to this report.

Cassandra Vinograd can be reached at and Danica Kirka can be reached at


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Friday 24 May 2013

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The University of Minnesota, Morris seeks an individual committed to excellence in undergraduate education to fill a one-year lecturer
position in psychology for either or both semesters of the 2013-2014 academic year. Fall semester begins August 12, 2013. The teaching load
is three courses per semester. The successful candidate should be able to teach Biopsychology, Drugs and Human Behavior, and additional
courses that could include the following: Health Psychology, Introduction to Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology, Advanced Seminar in
Psychology, or other upper-level courses in the successful candidate's area of expertise. Qualifications for the position: Ph.D. in
Psychology preferred, ABD in psychology will be considered.

The University of Minnesota, Morris is a residential public liberal arts college serving about 1900 students. As one of five campuses of the University of Minnesota, The Morris campus is located 160 miles west of Minneapolis in the rural community of Morris, MN. Morris is consistently ranked by U.S. News & World Report as a Top 10 Best Public Liberal Arts College. The student body is talented, diverse and engaged. The Morris student body is one of the most ethnically diverse in the University of Minnesota system with 20% students of color (13% are American Indian students) and a growing international student population. The college values diversity in its students, faculty, and staff. The college is especially interested in qualified candidates who can contribute to the diversity of our community through their teaching, research, and /or service because we believe that diversity enriches the classroom and research experience at the University.

To learn more about the University of Minnesota, Morris visit our website at To learn more about the Psychology Discipline visit

Qualified candidates must apply online using the University of Minnesota Employment System at Please mail or email your cover letter expressing your interest in teaching at UMM and outlining your research interests, a curriculum vitae, evidence of teaching potential (e.g., course evaluations), copies of graduate transcripts, and three letters of reference to: Sharon Severance, Division of Social Science, University of Minnesota-Morris, 600 E 4th St, Morris, MN 56267 or to For more information about the position, contact Dr. Tom Johnson, Chair, Psychology Search Committee at or 320-589-6207. Position open until filled; application review begins June 17, 2013.

The University of Minnesota shall provide equal access to and opportunity in its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. To request disability accommodation or material in alternative formats contact: UMM Human Resources, (320)-589-6024, Room309, Behmler Hall, Morris, MN.


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johnson4RENTON ? Seattle Sounders FC forward Eddie Johnson has been named to the EA sports FIFA 13 Ultimate Team of the Week for his performance versus FC Dallas on May 18th. The EA Sports FIFA 13 Ultimate Team of the Week is a group of players throughout the world selected each week for their high level of play.

The World Cup veteran, who will join the U.S Men?s National Team for a pair of friendlies and three World Cup qualifiers, scored the opener with a quality half-volley in the 16th minute, before burying the winner that killed off a resilient FC Dallas side in the 62nd. Johnson?s two-goal effort was the ninth multi-goal game of his MLS career, and first since September 8, 2012. He leads the team with four league goals and five goals across all competitions, and is now 24th on the all-time scoring list with 59 career MLS goals.

Johnson joins the FIFA 13 Ultimate Team of the week, including Philippe Mexes (AC Milan), Laurent Koscielny (Arsenal), Lucho Gonzalez (FC Porto) and Romelu Lukaku (Chelsea/West Bromwich Albion).

EA Sports FIFA 13 Ultimate Team is the popular game mode within EA Sports FIFA that reflects the best recent real-world performance of the world?s best players. More then 3.4 million games of FIFA Ultimate Team are played daily, and over 17 million footballers are transferred through the transfer market on a daily basis, as millions of fans re-shape their squads based on the real-world performances of their favorite players.

Each week, the world?s top performing players are selected to the FIFA 13 Ultimate Team of the Week and receive an ?in form? item that increases the players?s attributes. Fans have the opportunity to build a squad with Team of the Week players and then compete with those players on their FIFA Ultimate Team online against millions of other fans around the world on the Xbox 360 videogame and entertainment system and PlayStation3 computer entertainment system.

The full EA Sports FIFA 13 Ultimate Team of the Week can be found at

For more information visit


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Study reveals how fishing gear can cause slow death of whales

May 21, 2013 ? Using a "patient monitoring" device attached to a whale entangled in fishing gear, scientists showed for the first time how fishing lines changed a whale's diving and swimming behavior. The monitoring revealed how fishing gear hinders whales' ability to eat and migrate, depletes their energy as they drag gear for months or years, and can result in a slow death.

The scientists in this entanglement response suction-cupped a cellphone-size device called a Dtag to a two-year-old female North Atlantic right whale called Eg 3911. The Dtag, developed at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), recorded Eg 3911's movements before, during, and after at-sea disentanglement operations.

Immediately after Eg 3911 was disentangled from most of the fishing gear, she swam faster, dove twice as deep, and for longer periods. The study, by scientists at WHOI, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, and NOAA Fisheries, was published online May 21 in the journal Marine Mammal Science.

"The Dtag opened up a whole new world of Eg 3911's life under water that otherwise we weren't able to see," said Julie van der Hoop, lead author of the study and a graduate student in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography.

North Atlantic right whales were nearly eradicated by whaling and remain endangered today, with a population of 450 to 500. About 75 percent bear scars of fishing lines that cut into their flesh.

Born in 2009, Eg 3911 was first sighted entangled and emaciated by an aerial survey team on Christmas Day 2010, near Jacksonville, Florida. Fishing gear was entangled around her mouth, wrapped around both pectoral fins, and trailed about 100 feet behind her tail.

Teams aboard boats attempted to cut away the fishing gear on Dec. 29 and 30, 2010, but were not successful because the whale was evasive. A multiagency team tried again on Jan. 15, 2011. First, they applied a Dtag. Then they administered a carefully calculated sedative with a dart gun developed for large whale drug delivery by Paxarms NZ in collaboration with Dr. Michael Moore, director of the Marine Mammal Center at WHOI and a marine mammal veterinarian. The becalmed whale allowed the team to approach and remove nearly all the fishing gear.

The Dtag measured 152 dives that Eg 3911 took over six hours. There were no significant differences in depth or duration of dives after sedation, but "the whale altered its behavior immediately following disentanglement," the scientists reported. "The near-complete disentanglement of Eg 3911 resulted in significant increases in dive duration and depth."

"Together, the effects of added buoyancy, added drag, and reduced swimming speed due to towing accessory gear pose many threats to entangled whales," the scientists wrote. Buoyant gear may overwhelm animals' ability to descend to depths to forage on preferred prey. Increased drag can reduce swimming speeds, delaying whales' timely arrival to feeding or breeding grounds. "Most significant, however, is the energy drain associated with added drag," they said.

To calculate that drain, the scientists, in a separate experiment, towed three types of fishing gear from a skiff, using tensiometers to measure the drag forces acting on Eg 3911. They then calculated how much more energy whales would require to compensate for the drag. The results: Entangled whales have significantly higher energy demands, requiring 70 to 102 percent more power to swim at the same speed unentangled; or alternatively, they need to slow down their swimming speed by 16 to 20.5 percent.

The study provides the first data on the behavioral impacts of sedation and disentanglement and the energetic cost of entanglement in fishing gear due to drag.

On Feb. 1, 2011, an aerial survey observed Eg 3911 dead at sea.

"She didn't make it," van der Hoop said. The whale was towed ashore for a necropsy. "We showed up on the beach that night. I remember walking out there and seeing this huge whale, or what I thought was huge. She was only 10 meters long. She was only two years old. And all these people who had been involved in her life at some point, were there to learn from her what entanglement had caused."

The necropsy showed that effects of the chronic entanglement were the cause of death.

"No fisherman wants to catch a whale, and I wish no fisherman a hungry day," said Moore. "There needs to be a targeted assessment of how the fishery can still be profitable while deploying less gear so we can reduce the risk of marine mammals encountering fishing gear in the first place. At WHOI, we have hosted workshops talking with fisheries managers and fishermen about what might change so that they can continue to catch fish and stop catching whales."


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N. Korean leader sends special envoy to China

By Ju-min Park and Ben Blanchard

SEOUL/BEIJING (Reuters) - North Korea sent one of its top military officials as a "special envoy" from its leader Kim Jong-un to Beijing on Wednesday, accompanied by a high-powered delegation in what appeared to be a bid to mend frayed relations with its most important ally.

The delegation led by Choe Ryong-hae, vice chairman of the country's top military body, was the most senior to visit China since Kim's kingmaker uncle Jang Song-thaek made the trip in August 2012.

Ties between Pyongyang and Beijing have been hurt by the North's third nuclear test, carried out in February, and by China agreeing to U.N. sanctions on the North and starting to put a squeeze on North Korean banks.

North Korean state news agency KCNA said China's ambassador to Pyongyang, who is seen as the closest of all foreign envoys to Kim Jong-un, saw the delegation off at the airport.

Choe's first meeting in Beijing was with Wang Jiarui, head of the ruling Chinese Communist Party's International Department, China's Xinhua news agency said, without providing details.

The diplomatic move by North Korea came after Japan reached out to Pyongyang last week by sending a special envoy to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to hold talks over Japanese citizens abducted by the isolated and impoverished state.

Choe is one of the tight coterie of officials around Kim Jong-un, who has been in power for just over a year after succeeding his father.

He is a long-time political administrator and was surprisingly made a vice marshal in the army last year despite having no military background.

Jang's trip in 2012 had been aimed at securing a visit for Kim to Beijing and to win investment for the North's shattered economy, although it appeared to have failed, according to diplomats. Jang is seen as the most powerful official in North Korea after Kim.

"It is an important visit as he (Choe) is both a high-ranked official and coming as a special envoy of Kim Jong-un, and there have been no high level contacts between the two countries for such a long time," said Jin Canrong, associate dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University in Beijing.


Jin, a specialist on China-North Korea relations, said Beijing would once again urge Pyongyang to return to the so-called "Six Party Talks" process, aimed at denuclearization.

The talks included the North, China, the United States, South Korea, Japan and Russia and have been stalled since 2009 when North Korea conducted its second nuclear test.

"The Chinese people have been angered by North Korea's provocations. Certainly one of China's demands will be for North Korea to stop doing this," said Jin.

As well as staging the country's third nuclear test, Kim Jong-un presided over the launch of two long range rockets. These are banned by the United Nations due to concerns Pyongyang is testing technology to use in a long-range nuclear missile.

North Korea is almost entirely reliant on China for imports of fuel and food and since it closed an industrial zone on the border with South Korea, has few other outlets for its exports.

The North has traditionally attempted to play China off against the United States and appeared to be open to the possibility of a deal with Japan that irked both Seoul and Washington when Abe's aide visited Pyongyang last week.

Yoshihide Suga, Abe's cabinet secretary, told a news conference on Wednesday that Japan aimed to resume talks with North Korea as part of attempts to resolve the abduction issue.

"Since we are probing all the possibilities, that is naturally included," Suga said.

Japan and North Korea last held government talks in November 2012, before the North's last long-range missile launch in December and nuclear test in February.

Given the spike in tensions between Beijing and Pyongyang in the wake of the February nuclear test, it appeared Choe's visit was unlikely to produce a meaningful accord.

A visit to Beijing for Kim Jong-un would be a major prize for the young leader.

"Jang Song-thaek came back with nothing from China. Since then not only has North Korea not changed, things have become worse," said Lee Ji-sue, a North Korea expert at Myongji University in Seoul.

(Additional reporting by Kiyoshi Takenaka in TOKYO; Editing by David Chance and Dean Yates)


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    Hi all, just joined. I've written a segment of code that writes the first and last name of employess like so:
    last name, first name. To minimize the clutter in the main I want to get almost everything into a function so I've written this function that does string copies and string cats the last name and first name with a comma in the middle. However I received errors these are them:
 arturo@arturo-Satellite-L305:~/Assign3c$ make g++ assign3c.cpp taxes.o Qsort.o -o main.exe assign3c.cpp: In function ?int main()?: assign3c.cpp:143:28: error: ?lastname? was not declared in this scope assign3c.cpp: In function ?void attachNames(char, char)?: assign3c.cpp:208:17: error: ?record? was not declared in this scope assign3c.cpp:208:24: error: ?i? was not declared in this scope assign3c.cpp:209:21: error: invalid conversion from ?char? to ?char*? [-fpermissive] /usr/include/string.h:136:14: error:   initializing argument 1 of ?char* strcat(char*, const char*)? [-fpermissive] make: *** [main.exe] Error 1 
 void attachNames(char S_name, char lastname); //prototype  
 void attachNames(char S_name, char lastname); 
 void attachNames(char S_name, char lastname) {   strcpy(S_name,record[i].lastname);   strcat(S_name, ",");   strcat(S_name, record[i].lastname); } 

    I have played around with the record and * and ampersands to see if something would work but nothing has. What am i doing wrong here?

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    Replies To: Variables not declared but are in global and in struct

    #2 jjl ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: Variables not declared but are in global and in struct

    Posted Today, 01:13 AM

    You are only passing characters to your functions, you need to pass char pointers to your strings.

    #3 Adriel16 ?Icon User is online

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    Re: Variables not declared but are in global and in struct

    Posted Today, 01:25 AM

    View Postjjl, on 21 May 2013 - 01:13 AM, said:

    You are only passing characters to your functions, you need to pass char pointers to your strings.

    Okay so, and I promise to be better at this just given the chance...

 void attachNames(char *S_name, char * lastname); 
 attachNames(&S_names, &lastname); 

    S_name is declared and lastname is in a struct...does that have any bearing?

 char S_name[12+10]; 

    View Postjjl, on 21 May 2013 - 01:13 AM, said:

    You are only passing characters to your functions, you need to pass char pointers to your strings.

    Oh no I got it to work! Thank you!

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