It's almost impossible to discussmedical identity theft without making reference to the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, better known as HIPAA. I've referred to the law several times over the past couple of years, so I thought it was worth a few minutes to get into the general details of HIPAA, and how it relates to your identity.
Every once in a while, I like to also be very up front about my field of expertise, and the role I fill here at This seems like a great time to do that, since I'm commenting on Federal laws.
I am not an attorney, I'm an identity theft risk management specialist. Although I'm a fairly intelligent guy, and can pretty much understand what these laws are saying, that does not make me a lawyer, anymore than being able to quote every line from Casablanca would make me Humphrey Bogart. I do read identity theft laws and court cases with regularity, and pay close attention to the bills that are going through the Federal government, and I do regularly work with companies to help them better protect themselves against data breaches and the risks of identity theft.
But if you think you may have a legal concern, you need to discuss things with an attorney. Identity theft and data security laws are no joke, and if you're found in violation of them, the penalties can be pretty severe. They are not to be played with.
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