Tuesday 8 January 2013

Dragons in LORE

LORE: The Heroes Legacy

Quests have rised upon the lands, the waterfalls tell fables about the sounds of blade clashing.


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Dragons, as you know, have many myths and legends surrounding them. They are known to be feircesome and emotionless, as well as scaly, fire-breathing monstrosities that will rip you in half if they see you. They have a huge reputation for destroying villages, kidnapping fair maidens and hoarding treasure. But in LORE most of those rumours are simply that. Rumours.

Lets start with the basics. Dragons, obviously, come in many shapes, sizes and colours. They can be as tiny as a seahorse, or as large as a small village. They can have four legs, or six, or none. Each and every Dragon is unique. A very little known fact about Dragons is that they have the ablity to change into a human form if their desire to is great enough. For how long depends on the strength of their desire. While changed they lose most of their strengths and invulnerabilities, yet they are known to be more beautiful than any human in the world.

Dragons have been hunted for many reasons and more often than not the particular reason will be proved false. For example, Dragonhide is famously known to be the strongest, ligthest and most durable material for armour than any other. This is false as the hide of a Dragon is turned to a material not unlike snakeskin when removed from the body. It is said that the tongue, eyes and saliva of a Dragon can possess healing properties, though this is also false. A few things that are true is one about Dragons blood, used in potions to increase magical abilities. Dragons are very magical creatures and so their blood will actually increase your magic, but the effects are not permanent. The claws and teeth can also be used to forge weapons as they are incredibly strong and when fashioned right, deadly sharp. It takes a master smith to create a weapon using Dragon claws and/or teeth. Lastly the heart is rumoured to grant immortality to any mortal who consumes it. This is, sadly, true but comes at the risk of going insane. Plus...eating the heart of a Dragon is kind of gross.

Commonly Mistaken Facts about Dragons

  • Not all Dragons can breathe fire, and not all can fly.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Dragons CAN feel emotions. Quite strongly actually, as any emotion felt by a mortal is increased by at least three times by a Dragonkin.
  • Dragons have no interest in maidens or treasure.
  • That said, Dragons have very little to no interest in any other species at all.
  • It is possible for a creature, or another Dragonkin, to form a bond with a Dragon/kin. This bond is unbreakable and enables the two creatures to speak telepathically as well as find the other no matter where they may go. This bond means that should one die, the other dies as well.
  • Dragons can speak the common tongue telepathically, however unless the specific Dragon has perfect control over the volume, the voice causes pain to those who hear it, NO EXCEPTIONS
  • Going off of that, Dragons converse between each other using Dragon Tongue

Hierarchy in Dragon (working from bottom to top)
  • Beings who have consumed Dragon blood enough that they begin to show Dragon characteristics, or have consumed the heart of a Dragon.
  • Daclings - A crossbreed of Dragons and Wyverns
  • Vartii - A Dracling that has killed a Dragon and consumed its heart. Very unstable creature and very violent.
  • Wyverns and Drakes
  • Half-Dragon, Half-Human
  • Dragons
  • High Dragons
  • Elder Dragons - very strong, Very old, extremely well hidden.
  • Queen Dragon - Said to be the first Dragon, every so often it is rumoured that she is seen feeding on large quanities of creatures, however it is still unknown as to whether this holds any truth. Said to be the strongest, and impossible to kill. A creature of legend mostly.
  • Spectral Dragon - A Dragon cursed to by the Queen to walk the world as long as she was alive. He has made no secret of his existence and kills whole villages randomly.
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