Friday 14 October 2011

House panel approves bill to slash UN funds (AP)

WASHINGTON ? A House panel has approved a bill that would cut in half U.S. contributions to the United Nations if the world peacekeeping body doesn't replace its dues with voluntary donations.

The deeply divided panel voted 23-15 for the Republican legislation. Committee Chairwoman Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (ih-lay-AH'-nah rahs LAY'-tih-nehn) said the bill was necessary as leverage to force the U.N. to reform.

The top Democrat, Rep. Howard Berman, said the bill would end U.S. participation in the U.N. and deal a fatal financial blow to the world body.

The panel's action came despite Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton's opposition and her vow to recommend that President Barack Obama veto the measure.

It's unclear when the House will vote. The legislation has little chance in the Democratic-led Senate.


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