Saturday 28 January 2012

Apple, Google, 5 Others To Be Denied Dismissal Of ?No Poach? Conspiracy Case

Antitrust Hearing Today7 of the world's most powerful tech companies have been accused of forming an antitrust conspiracy to suppress the compensation of their employees by entering into "no poach" agreements. Today, a San Jose judge will heard a motion to dismiss a class action civil lawsuit in which former employees seek damages from defendants Apple, Google, Adobe, Intel, Intuit, Pixar, and Lucasfilm. The damning evidence against the defendants from a 2010 Department of Justice investigation and the plaintiffs' statement indicate there is more than sufficient evidence for the case to proceed towards trial. If the defendants lose to or settle, tens of thousands of full-time employees of these companies could be compensated. [Update 4:30pm PST : The judge says "This case is going to survive the motion to dismiss", meaning she'll almost surely deny the defendants' motion to dismiss the case when she soon files her official ruling.


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