Monday 14 November 2011

This Week's Top Downloads [Download Roundup]

Nov 12, 2011 5:00 PM 10,472 1
  • Firefox 8 Now Available (Windows,Mac,Linux) Firefox 8 officially releases on Mozilla's site on November 8th, but technology blog GHacks discovered this morning that the Firefox 8.0 final version is already available for download for Windows, Mac, and Linux on Mozilla's FTP servers.
  • Reeder for Chrome Transforms Google Reader into a Clean Feed Reading Experience (Chrome) Reeder for Chrome is inspired by Reeder for Mac OS and iOS, but it's not from the same developers. Nevertheless, it retains the clean and easy-to-use look and feel of the original, and completely re-skins Google Reader into a clean and attractive three-paned feed reader that looks just like the desktop and mobile app.
  • ArchBang Brings Arch Linux's Greatest Features to Your PC Without the Stressful Installation (Linux) If you're in love with Arch Linux but are tired of the painstaking installation process, ArchBang is the perfect distribution for you. It has everything you love about Arch, but installs in just a few minutes with everything you need.
  • Enqueue Is the First Music Player That Could Actually Replace iTunes on the Mac (Mac) Music junkies looking for a full-featured, local-library program other than iTunes can rejoice. Enqueue is an attractive, lightweight player with a configurable interface, an "on-the-go" playlist mode, and lots more.
  • Awesome New Tab Page Is a Widget-Friendly, Windows Metro-Inspired New Tab Page for Chrome (Chrome) Like the name suggests, the Awesome New Tab Page extension adds a new New Tab page to Google Chrome. The result is a Windows 8 Metro UI-inspired new tab page that's fully customizable with apps, widgets, bookmarks, and so on.
  • Win7s? Brings Mac-Like Screen Corners to Windows 7 (Windows) Win7s? brings one of Mac OS X's best features to Windows, letting you trigger different actions by moving your mouse to one of the corners on your screen.
  • This Mac OS-Themed Userstyle Transforms Google Reader into a Clean, Well-Spaced Reader (Firefox/Chrome) If Google Reader's new layout is too cluttered or busy for your taste and you'd prefer a layout that's a little cleaner and well arranged, this Mac OS-themed userstyle looks at home on a Mac, but offers a clean and attractive reading experience on any system.
  • Namerick Makes Sure You Remember the Name of That Person You Just Met (iOS) Need a little help cementing your new acquaintance's name in your brain so you won't need to embarrass yourself next time you meet? iPhone application Namerick uses tried-and-true techniques to help you remember the name of a person you've just met, creating memory mnemonics, sending you followup reminders, and more.
  • Oink Finds You the Best Item on Any Restaurant's Menu (iOS) New app Oink aims to fill a gap in the location-based review services where, instead of rating places, you rate the things inside those place, so you always get the best experience.
  • Any.DO Is a Crazy Intuitive, Gesture-Based To-Do App for Android (Android) Android has a lot of great to-do apps, but few of them are as easy to use as Any.DO. You can add tasks by voice, manage them with simple gestures, and even use its predictive features to instantly add common tasks to your to-do list.
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